Text Input
No props are required to display <TextInput>
, but it’s recommended to provide a label
for accessibility.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => <TextInput label="Username" />;
Help text
To display additional info beneath the input, pass in helpText
Choose a unique username.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => ( <TextInput label="Username" helpText="Choose a unique username." />);
When displaying an input in a space-constrained location, you can pass small
, which decreases the padding and font size.
Choose a unique username.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => ( <TextInput label="Username" helpText="Choose a unique username." small />);
Dark mode
To display the text input on a dark background, pass darkMode
Choose a unique username.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => ( <TextInput label="Username" helpText="Choose a unique username." darkMode />);
When displaying an error message, pass error
to highlight the input in red.
This username is already taken.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => ( <TextInput label="Username" helpText="This username is already taken." error />);
Placeholder text may be used to provide an example of input to the user.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => ( <TextInput label="Username" placeholder="e.g., johndoe123" />);
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => <TextInput label="Username" disabled />;
You can add icons to the left or right side of the input using iconLeft
or icon
props respectively.
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";import { faUser, faCheck } from "@fortawesome/pro-solid-svg-icons";
export default () => ( <TextInput label="Username" iconLeft={faUser} icon={faCheck} />);
Full Width
To make the input take up the full width of its container, use the fullWidth
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";
export default () => <TextInput label="Username" fullWidth />;
To add a clear button that appears when the input has a value, use the onClear
import { TextInput } from "stylus-ui/TextInput";import { useState } from "react";
export default () => { const [value, setValue] = useState(""); return ( <TextInput label="Username" value={value} onChange={(e) => setValue(e.target.value)} onClear={() => setValue("")} /> );};
API Reference
Inherits properties from HTMLInputElement
Prop | Type | Default |
darkMode | boolean | false |
disabled | boolean | false |
error | boolean | false |
fullWidth | boolean | false |
helpText | string | |
icon | IconProp | |
iconLeft | IconProp | |
iconProps | Omit<FontAwesomeIconProps, 'icon'> | |
label | string | |
onClear | () => void | |
small | boolean | false |